Baby, It’s Cold Outside


Hershel has gone from hating his kennel to being perhaps a bit too attached; it’s hard to get him out of it these days for cuddles.  We sometimes let him down on the floor of the den (with the doors closed to the living room, or else he makes a beeline for the stairs, ugh), and he’ll often head straight back for the kennel.  At least he’s finding it hospitable these days.

But oh, the cuddles! He’s such a soft, cuddly, lovey boy!  Two nights ago, I spent three whole hours cuddled with him: massages, brushings, and then we napped together. He was purry liquid cat! Awesome!

Justin and Hershel
Justin and Hershel

Hershel got to meet Grandma Della Mae (Justin’s mom) on Sunday!  It was a success.  🙂

Della Mae and Hershel
Della Mae and Hershel


Winter frigid weather has arrived to Minnesota, and while we keep the house fairly cool, Hershel is located right next to a heating vent and we have warm, fuzzy rugs down for him.  His brother and sister, Pixel and Litha, have their own favorite register in the house, right in front of the kitchen sink:

Litha and Pixel, warming
Litha and Pixel, warming

Hershel would like to report that he likes wet food a whole lot, he’s wondering why his sister Wednesday doesn’t want to be friends, he thinks the birds outside should be chased by him, and massages are awesome.

He’d also like to mention that he gets the little blue sutures removed tomorrow and he has stubble growing back on his lower regions finally!



John Lee Taggart

Writer, Director & occasional third thing.

Sizi Says....

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Hershel, the Three-Legged, Half-Eared, No-Tailed Christmas Cat, and his family News

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